/ Customised, 360° transport and logistics solutions, respectful of our Customers, People and the Planet.

Roulaud Transports acquires the Coop Atlantique logistics site in Condat-sur-Vienne

18 Jun 2020

Press release – June 18, 2020


Coop Atlantique confirms that it has found a buyer for its logistics warehouse in Condat-sur-Vienne (87).


At the beginning of 2020, the company announced the closure of its site, which will be effective from the end of June. It was also committed to carrying out an active search for a buyer. It’s done.


The choice fell on a regional company: Roulaud Transports, present in Saint-Junien and Saint-Laurent-sur-Gorre. The latter will acquire the site and initiate a new activity in September. “The purpose of this investment is to rationalize and consolidate our logistics activity locally,” explains Laurence Roulaud, president of the company. “This site will be an additional asset to create new business opportunities and support the needs of our current and future customers. ”


5 job creations will be available on the various company sites (Condat-sur-Vienne, Saint-Junien, Saint-Laurent-sur-Gorre), over a period of twelve months. Priority will be given to former Coop Atlantique employees.


In addition, as part of the job protection plan implemented by the cooperative, employees will also be offered jobs in the stores that Coop Atlantique operates in the region.


For those who do not wish to work in a store, a reclassification leave of 14 months is planned, during which they will be accompanied to promote a return to work as quickly as possible. Finally, for those who are less than 40 months from retirement, an exemption from activity will be possible with maintenance of the conditions of remuneration.



Press contacts:

Coop Atlantique: Gérald Lucas / 06 31 17 78 18 / glucas@coop-atlantique.fr

Coop Atlantique benefits from the original status of Consumer Cooperative, created at the beginning of the last century. The group operates 60 supermarkets and hypermarkets under the Hyper U, Super U, U Express and Utile banners, more than 100 Coop convenience stores and a network of 9 cafeterias. It achieved consolidated sales close to 900 million euros in 2019 and employs 3,200 people. Its activity spans 12 departments from Charente-Maritime to Limousin and from Indre-et-Loire to Gironde. Its client-members, the cooperative members, collectively own it. Coop Atlantique joined the U-System merchant cooperative in 2012, which it fully shares the values ​​of responsible consumption.


Roulaud Transports: Hervé Marc – 06 33 99 05 50 – hmarc@latelier40.com

ROULAUD Transports is a family business of transport and logistics, established in New Aquitaine for 69 years. With our experience, our 70 employees are mobilized to offer global solutions for the transportation (regional, national and international) and storage of goods, everywhere in France and in Europe. Member of the ASTRE network, first European grouping of independent transporters, we offer tailor-made solutions by relying on experienced and complementary trusted partners.

Some key figures :
11.5 M € turnover
70 employees
125 registration cards including 60 engines 20,000 m2 of warehouses

ROULAUD TRANSPORTS: The will to put in synergy passion of the trade, technology and expertise of Men at the service of the success of our customers.


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ROULAUD TRANSPORTS announces the acquisition of a new logistics site on the outskirts of Limoges

10 Jun 2020

The 14,000 m² covered site, located in Condat-sur-Vienne, will provide additional storage and shipment management services to all of our customers.

This site is in addition to the ROULAUD TRANSPORTS logistics platform in Saint-Junien. It is located near the southern ring road of Limoges and the A20 motorway.

This investment aims at rationalizing, consolidating our logistics activity and strengthen our position in this area locally. It will be an additional asset to create new business opportunities and support the needs of our current and future customers.

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PRESS RELEASE: Coronavirus – precautionary measures from March 13, 2020

13 Mar 2020

In the context of the international alert relating to respiratory infections linked to Coronavirus CoVID-19, the authorities have called on all economic players to mobilize to respond to this epidemic.

The preventive measures implemented for all employees on French territory

ROULAUD TRANSPORTS has decided to implement preventive measures applicable to all of its driving staff and within its premises throughout the territory. Our goal is to minimize health risks for everyone and guarantee continuity of service for our customers:

  • Information on good prevention actions to all staff,
  • Creation of an internal Covid-19 referent for any additional information on the subject,
  • Distribution of a hygiene kit to all drivers,

These national and European measures may be subject to adaptations in the different territories with regard to official decrees. Depending on the evolution of the situation in the coming weeks, ROULAUD TRANSPORTS will adapt these prevention measures and update these communications.

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ROULAUD TRANSPORTS organizes a transport discovery visit for a group of job seekers

29 Feb 2020
Transport jobs discovery visit
Transport profession discovery visit


The transport and logistics sector is the 5th economic sector in France. Dynamic and changing, he recruits at all levels. Each year, nearly 20,000 positions are filled. But the paradox is that more than 20% of companies in the sector experience recurring recruiting difficulties. The reason: the image of the profession, which no longer attracts the new generation.

ROULAUD TRANSPORTS organized a discovery tour of the transport profession on its Saint-Laurent-sur-Gorre site on February 21.


  • A visit organized in collaboration with Pôle Emploi
    For this visit, Grégoire Carlier, business advisor to the Pôle Emploi mission in Saint-Junien, was accompanied by a group of job seekers from the region.

The visit began with a meeting with Laurence Roulaud, president and 3rd generation at the head of the company, who introduced them to the history, organization and operation of his company. Then, the group was able to interact with the various teams of the Transport Division: from the operating room, to maintenance, including storage. The visit ended with a real-life situation, thanks to driver support in the cabin of their vehicle.


  • “The sector is changing rapidly …”
    This is the message that ROULAUD TRANSPORTS wanted to convey during this visit. In fact, transport is impacted by new modes of consumption (e-commerce, home delivery, etc.). It is also affected by new technologies (gas vehicles, on-board technologies, etc.). These are all ruptures that lead to constantly adapting organizations and transforming trades towards increasingly sophisticated skills. Yet the image of the profession is still full of clichés from 10 or 15 years ago.


  • ROULAUD TRANSPORTS makes improving working conditions a priority
    The improvement involves the evolution of the material, thanks to the investment in more comfortable and more ergonomic vehicles. 25% of the fleet was thus renewed in 2019. In addition, there are continuing education initiatives and support for responsible driving.

The vehicles have changed, more comfortable and ergonomic. Practices too, with better supervised working hours and conditions. In a word, the profession has changed. It is by multiplying these initiatives that the image of transport can change.

ROULAUD TRANSPORTS: A company committed to training and professional integration in the fields of transport and logistics.

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Transport & logistics present at the “cité des métiers éphémère” in saint-junien

08 Nov 2019


employment transport logistic limoges
A candidate is interviewed by Laurence Roulaud


The « Cite des métiers éphémères » is an original career guidance event that allows people in search of a new job to find answers to many of their questions (orientation, training, employment, entrepreneurship, career evolution and reconversion), directly in their own territory.


On October 10, 2019, the « Cite des métiers ephemeres » moved to the Congress Hall of Saint-Junien (Limoges). For this annual event, the main actors in career orientation and employment had mobilized many local companies wishing to present their activities, their professions and their know-how. This event is aimed at people looking for work as well as employees who want to search another job opportunity, without necessarily leaving their current employment area.

This year, the novelty was the attendance of 280 teen-agers from 2 schools in Saint-Junien and Châlus. The students were able to discover many activities and discuss directly with professionals. A way to confirm their future professional choice or find new orientation ideas.

ROULAUD TRANSPORTS fully committed to promoting transport job opportunities joined regional branch representatives


  • An area dedicated to Transport-Logistics jobs

The Transport-Logistics sector was represented by Laurence ROULAUD Transports ROULAUD, Sylvie LEBOUTET FNTR Limousin and Annick FOUGERAS AFT (Palais Sur Vienne). Their goal was to promote the job of the sector. In individual counseling interviews, they were able to present training and employment opportunities to people looking for work.

They also welcomed many students, who came to discover the different jobs of Road Transport. On this occasion, Laurence ROULAUD offered them to spend a day of immersion in her company to discover the reality of the activity.


  • Round table discussion between companies and local representatives of orientation, training, employment and professional branches

Five promising and recruiting sectors were present: Transport-Logistics, Hospitality-Catering, Paper-Cardboard-Packaging, Human Services (home help, social health) and Defense (Armed Forces Air, Land, Navy, Gendarmerie, Police national).

During a round table discussion on the attractiveness of sectors and recruitment challenges, all professionals shared the same views on the situation. They all confirmed their important recruitment needs, but explained their difficulties in retaining young people to the company that trained them, unlike their elders.


  • « Pole emploi » and local Mission for employment in support of territories

Visitors had access to a multimedia area, equipped with softwares for discovering jobs and job search assistance. Counselors were present for individual orientation interviews but also presentations on « alternance », the Civic Service, VAE, transport and mobility aids.

ROULAUD Transports: putting in synergy passion for transport, technology and human expertise at the service of our customers

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One year ago: company visit by Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Transport

23 Sep 2019
Transport and logistics
Visit of the Minister of Transport


On July 16, 2018, Mrs. Elisabeth BORNE, Minister for Transport, accompanied by local elected officials and the Deputé Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, came to Limoges. Her objective was to review the improvement of the region’s transportation network with local political and economic actors.

The visit of the company ROULAUD Transports was an opportunity for Laurence Roulaud, its president, to present the company, its history, its activities, its commitments and of course its teams.

The story of a transport and logistics company, established in the same place since its creation 68 years ago.


  • In the beginning was the national and international road freight transport.

It became the historical core business. This activity was essential to the economic development of our region and the success of its producers and manufacturers of all sizes. The secret of our longevity is to maintain the flexibility of an SME, close to its customers and anchored in its territory. The company now has a fleet of more than 120 vehicle registration cards including 60 motor vehicles.


  • Then came logistics, a complementary activity, now inseparable from the first.

ROULAUD Transports has been a pioneer in investing in this field in the 80s. We now have a storage capacity of 18,000 m² spread over several sites in the Limoges region. In keeping with its spirit of responding as closely as possible to the needs of our customers, we have also developed a freight forwarder activity that allows us to provide tailor-made services.


  • A company is also a responsible economic actor.

As a responsible company, ROULAUD Transports is committed to reducing pollution and the consumption of its vehicles: a determined and voluntary approach to sustainable business development. Since 2010, the company has been voluntarily engaged behind a Charter to reduce CO2 emissions. We have confirmed our efforts by obtaining the CO2 Objective Label in February 2017. This places us at the 33rd rank of French companies labeled and first company in Limousin. This label recognizes a level of excellence in environmental performance.



During her visit, the Minister and the elected representatives (including Deputy Jean-Baptiste Djebbari) were able to meet all the staff who joined the celebration.


ROULAUD Transports: putting in synergy passion for transport, technology and human expertise at the service of our customers.

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ROULAUD Transports receives its first 6 FH Fuel Control trucks delivered by Volvo Trucks

The first 6 Volvo Trucks equipped with Fuel control technology.


These are the first trucks equipped with the Fuel Control technology acquired by the company. ROULAUD Transports once again demonstrates its commitment to improving the energy performance of its fleet and the eco-responsibility of road transport.


For more than 10 years, ROULAUD Transports has been involved in the implementation of a responsible development policy. This commitment allowed him to obtain the “Objectif CO2” label in 2017.

ROULAUD Transports has chosen to invest in vehicles with maximum energy performance for all its vehicule renewals


  • A first for ROULAUD Transports: a truck equipped with Fuel Control

The first 6 trucks joined the company’s fleet in September 2019. This investment is significant but necessary to maintain the quality of our service while confirming our commitment to responsible road transport. Other trucks of the same type will be added to the park in the coming months.


  • FH Fuel Control by Volvo Trucks: Reducing fuel consumption without compromising productivity

Maintaining speed while saving fuel is a difficult exercise. The new Volvo FH with Fuel Control is equipped with a high-efficiency engine and a unique combination of driver assistance features for greater fuel economy. This means less acceleration and less fuel required to maintain a constant highway speed. Each of the unique features of the Volvo FH Fuel Control has been designed, tested and proven to save fuel in long haul operations.


This vehicle levels out the driving effect on consumption which improves the consumption of a fleet. Fuel economy means reducing our impact on the environment.


  • ROULAUD Transports and Volvo Trucks: reciprocal commitments for quality and safety

To facilitate the handling of the 6 new trucks, Volvo Trucks provided a half-day indoor training on the characteristics of the new vehicles. Then one of their trainers provided a full day of individualized driver training in the truck.

ROULAUD Transports: one additional commitment to the environmental performance of the supply chain

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ROULAUD Transports develops its logistic activity in Limoges

The new Boisseuil warehouse.


The logistic activity was started in the 80s and strengthened in 2002 by the creation of its logistic center of Saint-Junien. ROULAUD Transports has now made the decision to increase its storage capacity by opening a new warehouse in Boisseuil, south of Limoges.

This choice confirms the company’s commitment to always offer more in a growing business. This warehouse will meet the growing storage needs of current customers and better adapt to new demands.

Additional surface, high-performance equipment, strategic location, the new warehouse has been opened since summer 2019.



A total area of ​​3400m² adds +25% more to the current area, bringing our total storage capacity to nearly 18,000m². Thanks to this new tool, our teams will ensure the punctual or permanent storage of your goods, guaranteeing integrity and safety. We can also act as a logistician working with your usual carrier. If necessary, we can finally provide a complete service taking into account the transport of your goods and logistics.



This new warehouse will benefit from our best quality standard:

– 2 leveling docks, 1 dock door,

– Security: secure access, logistic standards,

– Qualified staff.



The warehouse is located in Boisseuil, near the A20 motorway, in the ZA de la Plaine. This strategic geographic positioning will facilitate access to the warehouse of any trucks on the north-south axis. This means optimized journeys and fewer kilometers!

ROULAUD Transports: even more tailor-made and secure logistics solutions.

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